The aura is the 'universal key'. However, not many people know anything about auras. The following illustrative example, together with an explanation, will help you understand this matter best. Have you ever observed an electrical or a street lamp during a foggy night? They seem to be surrounded by a foggy glow, i.e. an irradiation. In this case, the 'aura' of the lamp is easily seen. Did you realise that living creatures, including man, have an aura as well? There is an energy-radiation field around the human body, which, contrary to the radiation from lamps, is not usually seen. Only some humans and animals with special abilities can perceive it. Here I display a world of images taken with a device for taking Kirlian photos, which can photograph the halo of a kind of energy that surrounds us. This energy, qualified as electromagnetic, is the natural force that animates the universe, and makes the planetary systems and the galaxies stay joined. It is the light that enables us to see the surrounding space, regardless its form.

The Kirlian photos you can see on this page were taken between 1997 and 1999. The first was taken to a person extremely concentrated on meditation, in 'alpha state' (level of conscience),who was on Uritorco Mount, in Capilla del Monte town (Argentina). The picture in the center shows two leaves of rue. The leaf that is above is still full of life in the plant; but the one below has been cut off from its plant. The photo on the right is about a little altered person, who accepted being photographed though. We invite you to draw your conclusions about the different photographs of auras and their relation to physical and mental states. If you wish to know more about the world of auras, enter the page called 'The Game of Life'.  

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